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10 Days Re:Her


Festival Recap

January 21-30, 2021

RE:Her's inaugural festival, 10 Days RE:Her, debuted on the anniversary of the Women’s March. Nearly 100 female-owned restaurants and women-run food & beverage brands came together to offer 85 events across Los Angeles County. These women united to offer unique collaborations with other female chefs, thematic menus, one-on-one conversations among female industry leaders, and more.


OpenTable proudly sponsored RE:Her’s inaugural festival. Throughout the 10 days, over 50 restaurants were featured on OpenTable to promote and offer their individualized and collaborative takeout offerings. By being our first sponsor, OpenTable allowed us to kickstart our developing RE:Her Grant Program.

Festival Stats


95 women-owned restaurants and 21 women-owned food & beverage partners participating in over 85 events

Over 50% of participants were women of color

Social Media Engagement

640,538 impressions

39,960 profile visits

18,300 content interactions

Average of 25,000 impressions per day, high of 39,000 impressions

Gained social media following of 8,836 followers in a 3-week period


Active, engaged audience:

Female 87%, Male 13%

Ages 25-34: 39%

Ages 35-44: 37%

Virtual Conversations

RE:Her & Now Serving hosted a series of Zoom conversations during the 10 Days RE:Her festival. If you missed any of these discussions, you can listen & watch these inspiring gatHERings of distinctive women in food via our YouTube Channel.

Women & Restaurants: Where We Were, Where We Are & Where We’re Going (1/21/21)

Featuring Evan Kleiman, Ruth Reichl, Marie Petulla, Natalia Pereira, Mollie Engelhart, Justine Hernandez, Courtney Kaplan, Minh Phan

Watch Now

The Next Generation: Rewriting Our Family Legacy (1/28/21)

Featuring Bricia Lopez, Vanda Asapahu, Sara Gabriele, Sylvie Gabriele, Christy Vega

Watch Now

Stories Lived & Told Through African-American Food (1/29/21)

Featuring Toni Tipton-Martin, Kimberly Prince, Celia Ward-Wallace, Marilyn Cole, Danielle Dorsey

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Being a Woman in a Man’s World (1/30/21)

Featuring Sandra Cordero, Sherry Yard, Kathy Feig, Julee Harman, Coly Den Haan, Monti Carlo

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